The qualification of advanced ultrasonic techniques (phased array, TOFD) is currently mandated by various code and regulatory bodies, including ASME and API. Although there is existing text in place outlining the requirements, it sets only a minimum standard and may not be applicable to certain applications. The Qualification Programs that Spector can provide will exceed the minimum requirements and be based on the specific applications and techniques that will be used.
The Qualification Program will consist of the following:
A Qualification Specification outlining the qualification process, pre-requisites, required documentation, pass/fail criteria and marking schemes.
A set of flawed specimens to be used for procedure demonstrations.
Multiple sets of flawed and unflawed specimens to be used for personnel qualifications.
All administration and invigilator processes and documentation.
The qualification programs can be built as a turn-key program that is managed and administered by your personnel, or as programs that Spector manages and administers on an ongoing basis.
The primary goal of the Qualification Program will be to ensure NDE service providers are using procedures capable meeting the requirements as well as ensuring technicians are competent in carrying out examinations.